Attorney Data Reporting

Attorney User Guide

1 Document Revision History

Revision DateSystem or Process UpdateSection Updated
06-18-2015Initial Creation
02-10-2017Added new Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Case Closure step to all State Workflows17 (State Workflows)
03-01-2017Removed Re-Certification Process Instructions1.8
10-03-2018Updated all screenshots for ADR updates and added new section for Direct Title RolloutNew section ’12 Title Home Page’
11-02-2018Updated Title Data Report Section, ‘DateClosed’ field updated to ‘DateReceived’ and ‘DateCancelled’ added16.3.10 Tile Data Report
03-20-2019Updated Title Cancellation process
Added Beneficiary Check Document Retrieval process
Added Title Update Request process
12.3 Title Order Cancellation
12.5.1 Beneficiary Check Document Retrieval
12.6 Title Update Requests
06-25-2019General verbiage clean-up
Added Title Order Inquiries
3.2, 12, 12.1, 12.4
12.7 Title Order Inquiries
06-08-2023Removed deprecated Report16

Table of Contents

Some older versions of browsers may have compatibility issues with the ADR system. As you navigate through the system, if you encounter issues such as pages not displaying properly, misaligned images, or trouble with uploading documents, please add as a trusted site in your browser’s settings, and this should correct your issues.

0 Locating a Loan

1 Managing Users

  • 1.1 Adding Users
  • 1.2 Adding a Role to a User
  • 1.2.1 Role Definitions
  • 1.3 Remove a Role
  • 1.4 Deactivate a User
  • 1.5 Unlock a User
  • 1.6 Reset a User Password
  • 1.7 Adding a User to Multiple Organizations

2 Accessing the System

  • 2.1 Logging into the System
  • 2.2 Resetting Your Password

3 Opening a Foreclosure

  • 3.1 Opening a Foreclosure
  • 3.2 Foreclosure Title Order
  • 3.3 Loan has an Active Foreclosure
  • 3.4 Related Processes

4 Holds

  • 4.1 Placing an Order on Hold
  • 4.2 Reprojecting a Hold
  • 4.3 Compete a Hold
  • 4.4 Review a Hold

5 Litigation Detail

  • 5.1 Adding Litigation Detail
  • 5.2 Remove Litigation Detail
  • 5.3 Update Litigation Detail
  • 5.4 View Litigation Detail Revisions
  • 5.5 When to Use Litigation Detail

6 Foreclosure Tasks

  • 6.1 Completing Tasks
  • 6.2 Foreclosure Sale Held Task
  • 6.3 Reprojecting a task
  • 6.4 Reprojecting Foreclosure Sale Held Task
  • 6.5 Bulk Updating Tasks

7 Restart Foreclosure Process

8 Closing the Foreclosure

9 Opening a Bankruptcy

  • 9.1 Opening a Motion for Relief (MFR) and a Proof of Claim (PoC)

10 Completing Bankruptcy Tasks

11 Closing a Bankruptcy

12 Title Home Page

  • 12.1 Title Dashboard
  • 12.2 Title List
  • 12.3 Title Order Cancellation
  • 12.3.1 Verify Cancellation of Title Order
  • 12.4 Title Summary Page
  • 12.5 Title Product Retrieval
  • 12.6 Title Update Requests
  • 12.7 Title Order Inquiries

13 Documents

14 Messages

15 Worklist

  • 15.1 Managing the Smart Worklist
  • 15.1.1 Viewing the Smart Worklist Table
  • 15.1.2 Re-Queue Smart Worklist Items
  • 15.1.3 Assign Smart Worklist Items
  • 15.1.4 Complete an Item in the Smart Worklist
  • 15.1.5 Cancel an Item in the Smart Worklist
  • 15.1.6 Export the Smart Worklist

16 Reports

17 Dashboards

  • 17.1 Export to Excel (CSV)
  • 17.2 Advanced Search Filtering

18 State Workflow

0 Locating a Loan

To locate a loan, simply click on “Home” or hover over “Home” and select “Loans” from the dropdown. This will bring you to the Loan Search Dashboard, which will allow you to enter in the 9-digit Freddie Mac loan number in the search field, as highlighted below.

NOTE: The search field will pertain to the specific page that you are on. For example, if you hover over “Home” and select “Foreclosures”, then the search field will return results related to any foreclosure number you enter. If you choose “Bankruptcies” from the dropdown instead of “Foreclosures”, then your search results will return bankruptcy results instead.

Once you have provided the 9-digit Freddie Mac loan number in the search field, hit your enter key and your results will be provided in the following screen.

1 Managing Users

This section will guide the security administrator on how to Add Users, Add Roles to a User, Remove Roles from a User, De-Activate a User, Unlock a User, Reset a User’s Password, and Add a User to Multiple Organizations.

A user’s ability to view and or edit fields in the system is based on their role.

There are 2 roles: Security Administrator and Attorney.

The Security Administrator Role is the only role that manages users in the system.

The Attorney role is reserved for users who need to view loans associated with their company in the ADR system.

1.1 Adding Users

  1. Select Organizations from the Contacts drop-down.
  2. Click on the Organization name hyperlink. If your company has more than one organization, you will have several listed. You are directed to the Organization Summary page.
  3. Select the ‘+’ symbol within the “Users” panel to add a New User.
  4. Enter the following fields within the Register Panel and select ‘Register’
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address
    • System Roles – Role to be granted access
  5. You are directed back to the Users panel
  6. To activate the user, click in the user’s row to highlight the row or check the box under the All column.
  7. Select Activate Users from the Options drop-down menu.
  8. Click ‘Okay’ in the Confirmation dialogue box. The user is activated. All active users will have a status of “Yes” in the corresponding “Active” column

  9. Send the user a password reset email by selecting Send Password Reset from the Options drop-down.
  10. Click ‘Okay’ in the Confirmation dialogue box..

  11. The user will receive an email with instructions on how to set their password. Below is a sample of the email that will be received:

1.2 Adding A Role to a User

  1. Search for the user that requires a role to be added.
  2. Click into the row to highlight the user or check the box in the All column.

3. Select Add Role form the Options drop-down menu.

4. Select the role to be added from the Role drop-down menu. In this example, the role of manager is added.

5. Click Save.

6. The role has been added. In this example, the Accounting role was added to the user.

1.2.1 Role Definitions

Security AdministratorAdministratorAgencyAttorneyProcessorManagerView Only
Edit OrganizationX
Manage Work ListsXX
Alter Attorney InformationX
View DashboardXXAll OrdersAssigned ordersAssigned ordersAssigned ordersAssigned orders
Add UsersXXInternal Users
Reset PasswordsXXXOwn PasswordOwn PasswordOwn PasswordOwn Password
Inactivate a UserXXInternal Users
Add/Remove RolesXXInternal Users
Add Documents to the OrganizationXXX
Generate ReportsXXXX
Complete TasksXXXX
Complete Total DebtXXXX
Complete Fees/CostsXXXX
Complete BidsXXXX
Complete ReinstatementXXXX
Complete Pay off
BK SummaryXXXX
Configuration TemplatesXXXXX
Create OrdersXXXX
Create MessagesXXXXX
Upload/Delete Documents user uploadedXXXXX

1.3 Remove a Role

  1. Search for the user that requires a role to be removed.
  2. Click into the row to highlight the user or check the box in the All column.

3. Select Remove Role from the Options drop-down.

4. Select a role to be removed from the role drop-down menu. In this example, the role of Manger is going to be removed.

5. Click Save.

6. The role has been removed.

1.4 Deactivate a User

  1. Search for the user that needs to be deactivated. (More than one user can be deactivated at a time)
  2. Click into the row to highlight the user.

3. Select Deactivate Users from the Options drop-down.

4. Click ‘Okay’ in the Confirmation dialogue box.


5. The Active column is No.

1.5 Unlock a User

  1. Search for the user that needs to be unlocked. (More than one user can be unlocked at a time)
  2. Click into the row to highlight the user.

3. Select Unlock Users from the Options drop-down.

4. Click ‘Okay’ in the confirmation dialogue box.


5. The user has been unlocked.

1.6 Reset a User Password

  1. Search for the user that requires a password reset. (More than one user can have their password reset at a time)
  2. Click into the row or its checkbox to highlight the user.

3. Select Send Password Reset from the Options drop-down.

4. Click ‘Okay’ in the Confirmation dialogue box.


5. The user is sent an email to reset password.

1.7 Adding a User to Multiple Organizations

  1. If your law firm has several organizations because you do business in several states, you can provide users access to all organizations. In this example, the user is a part of the McCabe Weisber & Conway, PC – MD. Note that the state will be appended after the organization name (e.g. – MD).

2. is not a user for the McCabe Weisber & Conway, PC in MD and requires access to the MD office.

3. Navigate to the organization the user should be granted access.

  • Select ‘Grant Access’ under the Person Icon

4. The Grant Access dialogue box opens.

  • Select the user that should be activated from the drop-down list
  • Select ‘Save’

5. The user now has access to the additional organization. In this example, was granted access for McCabe Weisber & Conway, PC in VA.

6. Only users that have the role of Security Administrator can complete the above.

2 Accessing the System

***Please Note*** the system is compatible with the following internet browsers:

Internet Explorer 11

Google Chrome (Version 25+)

Firefox (Version 17+)

Safari (Version 5+)

**Users that are not using one of the above compatible web browsers will receive an error message and be denied access to the ADR website**

2.1 Logging Into the System

  1. Enter in your address bar.

2. Enter the e-mail address, which is your user name, in the E-mail field

3. Enter your password in the password field.

4. Click Sign In.

5. You are directed to the Search Page.

2.2 Resetting Your Password

  1. A Security Administrator for your firm can send a Password Reset email to you (see Section 1.6), or you can click on the “Forgot your password?” Hyperlink.

2. You are directed to the Password reset page
3. Enter you email address in the email address field.

4. Click Reset
5. Whether you used the “Forgot your password?” link, or a Security Administrator initiated the Password Reset, you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.


6. Passwords are case sensitive and must adhere to the following Freddie Mac security guidelines:

  • 8 characters long
  • At least one of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
  • At least one number
  • At least one capital letter
  • At least one lower case letter
  • Your new password cannot match any of the previous 3 passwords

7. Users are required to reset their password every 90 days. Reminder notifications will be sent to the users prior to their passwords expiring. Should any user not reset their password prior to the 90-day expiration, their user account will be locked out. Upon their next attempt to login, they will be notified to contact their Security Administrator.

3 Opening a Foreclosure

All fields underlined in red are require fields.

Please note:The loan information may not be populated when you try to open the Foreclosure. Freddie Mac provides limited loan information prior to cases being opened. Once the Foreclosure case has been opened, the loan and property information will populate within 24 to 48 hours.

3.1 Opening a Foreclosure

  1. Select Loans from the Dashboard drop-down menu.

2. Search for the loan you need to activate by entering the Freddie Mac loan number in the search field and click enter. Freddie Mac loan numbers are 9 characters in length and cannot be altered by users.

3. Your search results are presented.

4. You can also click on the down arrow located next to the search field.

5. The loan search panel is expanded.

6. Enter the loan number in the loan field.

7. Click Search.

8. Your search results are presented.

9. You will be able to view those loans that are located in your designated state and you have a contract with the servicer that is servicing the loan. If you are unsure as to your coverage area or of the servicers which you have a contract, please review the Organization section.

10. Click on the Loan hyperlink in the Loan column.

11. You are directed to Loan Summary page,

BE ADVISED: The blue bar on the Foreclosure Summary panel has an arrow and a plus sign. This pattern is used in all process summary sections

  • Arrow – Lets the user collapse the entire panel section so it’s hidden except for the blue bar
  • Plus sign – Lets the user expand and collapse the hidden sections of a panel

NOTE: The loan information may not be populated when you try to open the Foreclosure. Freddie Mac provides limited loan information prior to cases being opened. Once the Foreclosure case has been opened, the loan and property information will populate within 24 to 48 hours.

12. Navigate to the Foreclosure tab. Select the “+” to Open a NEW foreclosure file. Be advised that a new Foreclosure File can NOT be opened in the instance that another file is already open, whether it be under your firm or another firm besides your own.

13. The Date Opened should be the date in which you received the file, and not necessarily the date that you open the file in ADR (although if you did receive the file the same day that you are opening it in ADR, then this is okay). Also be advised that a future date cannot be entered.

Please note that the following fields are required:

Field NameDescription
ForeclosureName or Title
Product CategoryProduct Type
Assigned OrganizationAttorney
Attorney Loan IDAttorney Loan ID
Original BalanceOriginal Loan Amount
UPB AmountUnpaid Principal Balance
Property AddressProperty Address
Property CityProperty City
Property StateProperty State
Property Postal CodeProperty Postal Code
Date OpenedDate Opened
Borrower First NameBorrower First Name
Borrower Last NameBorrower Last Name
Co-Borrower First Name*Co-Borrower First Name
Co-Borrower Last Name*Co-Borrower Last Name

*Only required IF there is a Co-Borrower (‘Yes’ is selected for Co-Borrower)


If your firm does business in several states, and you are a member of each organization, you will need to be sure the correct organization is in the drop-down. If you do not have the correct state and organization, you will not be able to open the foreclosure.

14. The Foreclosure has been opened – See the Status and Date Opened reflect the date entered, and status “Open” – Be advised that the Date Opened should be the date the Foreclosure File was originally referred to your firm, and necessarily the date in which you open the file (unless the referral date and the date you open the file are the same, then the date would reflect the same).


  • Freddie Mac has initiated a Direct Title Pilot in which Servicers are phased in over a period of time. Creating a Foreclosure Case on loans that are serviced by the Servicers in the pilot will automatically trigger a Foreclosure Title, this will be rendered in the Title Tab (details in Section 3.2 Foreclosure Title Order). You will be notified by each Servicer as they are phased in.

15. The number you provided in the Attorney Case Number field will be highlighted blue (as shown below). This Case Number is clickable and is the way you will access the file itself.

NOTE: if this attorney case number is not highlighted blue, this means you do not have access to the file. If your organization has an open file that you do not have access to, you will need to contact your Security Administrator and request for access.

16. Upon clicking the blue hyperlink (the Atty Case Number), you are brought to the Foreclosure Summary page, which shows all the details of said Foreclosure. This panel can be expanded or retracted based on the clicking of the white arrow icon and the white “+” icon (which becomes a “-” when clicked, and so on), as shown below.

3.2 Foreclosure Title Order

Once a Foreclosure Case has been opened, a Foreclosure Title will automatically be triggered, as long as the Loan’s Servicer is included in the Pilot.  The automated process may take up to an hour to trigger the Foreclosure Title Order, please use the refresh icon on the Titles tab, and if a Title Order does not appear within the expected time, follow the instructions starting with the second bullet point below.

  • The Foreclosure Title will render within the Title Tab. Within the record row the user can perform the following functions:
    • Case # Hyperlink – Select ‘Case #’ hyperlink to navigate to the specific Foreclosure Title Summary
      Note: Title Summary information will be covered in greater detail in Section 12 Title Home Page
    • Flyout – Multiple Titles can be opened on the same page, new tabs render across the panel
    • Edit – User can edit inline
    • Information – ‘i’ icon provides additional information related to the Title

  • If a Title Order is needed, but the system did not generate one automatically, one can be placed manually by clicking the “+” icon in the Titles tab:
  • Be sure the view is expanded by clicking the “+” icon to the left of “New Title” in the header bar. Enter all required information and click “Save”.  In most cases, because many of the required data elements were also required when creating the Foreclosure Case, the data elements will be pre-populated here.  Please validate these data elements for accuracy.
  • Upon clicking “Save”, the data entered will be validated, and if any validations fail, an error message will be presented.  Where possible, correct the data elements and click “Save” again.  If the error message does not provide details, or there are any questions regarding the error, please contact

3.3 Loan Has Active Foreclosure

If a law firm managed a prior Foreclosure and did not close out the Foreclosure you will need to contact the firm and have them close their Foreclosure.

  1. When you click on the Foreclosure tab, the information contained in the Foreclosure Summary is completed with another firm’s information. You cannot open your Foreclosure action until the prior firm closes their action.

2. Click on information icon to view the attorney information.

3. Contact the Law Firm and request they close their action. The status field on the Foreclosure Summary panel must be updated to Closed. If the Law Firm does not respond to your request to close the Foreclosure, contact Freddie Mac.

3.4 Related Processes

1. The Related Processes tab lists all actions related to the loan including Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, and Repurchase information.

2. On the Foreclosure Summary page navigate to the Related Processes tab

  • Template column: Identifies template process (e.g. Foreclosure, Bankruptcy, Motion for Relief, Proof of Claim, Foreclosure Title, etc.)
  • Status column: Identifies whether the process is ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’
  • Type column: Identifies if a Foreclosure was Judicial or Non-Judicial and if the Bankruptcy that was opened was a Motion for Relief or a Proof of Claim.
  • Opened column: Date the process was opened
  • Closed column: Date the process was closed

3. Selecting the hyperlink in the Process column will direct you to the process.

4. PLEASE NOTE: The value in the Process column for Repurchases is the Freddie Mac Loan Number.

4. Holds

4.1 Placing an Order on Hold

  1. From the Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Summary Pages, to the right of the Tasks tab, you will find the “Holds” tab. Click on it to see any active Holds. From the right, you can see the “+” to Add a New Workflow Hold.

2. Select a Hold type from the Hold drop-down menu.

3. The Description field is populated with the Hold type from the Hold drop-down menu.
Note: The auto-populated description can be used or you can enter a different description.

  • Start date is populated with current date. A past date or current date can be entered. A future date cannot be entered.
  • Projected date is when the Hold is expected to be removed. It can be the current date or a future date. Projected date is a required field.
  • Comments are populated with following message: Delay added on XX. You can move to the next step and retain the default comments, add additional comments to the default comments or you can delete the default comments and add your own comments. In this example, comments were added to the default comment.
  • Click Save, and the Hold is saved.

Priority message notification icon is populated.

4.2 Reprojecting a Hold

  1. To update a Projected date for a Hold, simply access the Holds tab from the Foreclosure Tasks panel and choose the hold you wish to have adjusted.
  2. Update the Projected date to the new date.
    Note: The comments field have a default comments that populate
  3. Select ‘Save’
  4. Projected date shows as updated within the panel

4.3 Complete a Hold

  1. To End a Hold, access the Foreclosure Tasks panel and select “Holds”. Select the open hold/delay by clicking he name of the Hold, which will appear as a blue, clickable hyperlink.
  2. Enter a date in the ‘Completion – Actual’ field.
  3. Select ‘Save’. Hold is now closed
  4. Priority message notification will clear once a Hold is closed

4.4 Review a Hold

  1. User can review Hold information in the Tasks panel or select the hyperlink to view details of the hold.

5 Litigation Detail

5.1 Adding Litigation Detail

  1. Click on Holds tab.
  2. From the dropdown of available Holds, choose Litigation Detail.
  3. Litigation Details form will render. The following fields are required:
    • Start Date
      Note: Current Date will be populated; Past Date can be selected and Future Date cannot be selected
    • Projected Date
      Note: Date can be the current date or a future date. Holds cannot be projected using a past date. This is the date you will follow up on the Litigation.
    • Comments: Auto-populates with default comments; You can append to the existing comments with additional commentary that will explain the reason for creating the Litigation Detail.
    • Party Status Code – Options listed below
      • FM Party Plaintiff
      • FM Party Defendant
      • FM Not Named
    • Litigation Status Code – Options listed below
      • Complaint Filed
      • Dispositive Motion Filed
      • Discovery Period
      • Trial Date
      • Notice of Appeal Filed
      • Appellate Briefing Schedule
      • Post Trial Proceedings
    • Litigation Date (optional field) – Date of the litigation trial. The date can be a past date, a future date, or a current date, but cannot be set to a date prior to the Start Date.
    • Litigation Claim Code – Options listed below
      • Conservatorship issue or challenge
      • Federal Instrumentality status
      • Charter interpretation or challenge
      • Freddie Mac as Federal Agency or Government Actor claim
      • Constitutional claim, including due process
      • Class Action claim
      • MERS claim
      • Environmental claim
      • Order to Show Cause
      • Sanction Motion or Hearings
      • HAMP claim
      • Predatory Lending claim
      • Ability to Re-pay claim
      • Discrimination claim
      • Uniform Mortgage Instrument claim
      • Other
  4. Select ‘Save’ upon entering required fields
  5. Hold panel displays the following:
    • Workflow Hold
    • Start date
    • Projected date
    • End date
    • Number of days hold
      Note: If the hold is open, the number of days is based on the start date to the current date. If the hold is closed, the number of days is based on the start date to the closed date.


  6. Review the Litigation detail by clicking on the
    icon next to the Hold Name hyperlink

  7. The Litigation Detail will be listed in the priority messages. Click on arrow for further details.

5.2 Remove Litigation Detail

  1. Navigate to the Holds tab and click on the Litigation Detail hyperlink.
  2. Enter ‘End’ date field.
    Note: This can be a current or past date, but cannot be a future date.
  3. The Comments field will automatically populate with the following: Litigation Detail changed on MM-DD-YYYY. You can append this comment with additional information regarding the results of the litigation.
  4. Click Save.
  5. You are directed to the hold tab. The end date is complete. The days are calculated based on the start date and end date.
  6. The priority message has been removed.

5.3 Update Litigation Detail

  1. Navigate to the Holds tab and select Litigation Detail hyperlink.
  2. Perform all necessary updates within the hold, including re-activating the hold by removing the End Date. All rules mentioned above apply to performing updates. Note: If the End Date of the Hold is more than 180 days in the past, none of the information can be updated. This is for auditing and reporting purposes. Additionally, only one active Hold can exist per case, so if any additional active Holds are associated with your case, you will not be able to remove the End Date. Once all updates are made, click Save.

5.4 View Litigation Detail Revisions

  1. View the changes made to the task by clicking on the horizontal parallel lines in the delay column.
  2. The change log is displayed. This log will list the user(s) that changed the Litigation Detail and the date of the changes along with the comments.

5.5 When to Use Litigation Detail

Refer to your Freddie Mac guidelines to determine when to use the Litigation Detail feature and when you should or should not proceed with the Foreclosure or Bankruptcy action whenever resolving a litigated matter.

6 Foreclosure Tasks

PLEASE NOTE: Your screens may slightly differ from what is below.

6.1 Completing Tasks

The due date for the first task is based on the start date entered when the foreclosure was opened. If an error was made in entering the start date, you will need to close the foreclosure and open a new foreclosure. Please refer to the Closing the Foreclosure section for instructions on closing a foreclosure.

1.Navigate to Tasks tab
2. Select All Tasks from the Options drop-down to view list of tasks.

3. Click on a task name hyperlink.

4. Enter either the current date or a past date in Actual Date field. You cannot enter a future date. This date cannot be prior to the completion date of the prior task.

In this example, a date prior to 07-23-2018 cannot be entered in the Actual Date field for the task Sale Scheduled because the prior task (Posting and Publishing of Sale/NOS Mailings) has a complete date of 07-23-2018.

5. The body field defaults to the standard comment: [Task Name] changed on <<Current Date>>
You can either delete this comment and enter a comment or you can append a comment to the default comment. In this example, the comment was appended.

6. Click Save.

7. You are returned to task tab. Actual Completion column is populated with the date entered in the Actual date field.

8. This view will list only those tasks that are due to be completed. You will not see all tasks associated with the foreclosure. To view all tasks, please refer to the Viewing All Tasks section of this document.

6.2 Foreclosure Sale Held Task

PLEASE NOTE: Your screens may slightly differ from what is below.

The Foreclosure Sale Held Task has additional elements that will be required when it is completed.

  1. Click on the “Foreclosure Sale Held” hyperlink.
  2. Enter the date the Foreclosure Sale was held in the Actual Date field. As with all other tasks, you cannot enter a future date in this field. This date cannot be prior to the completion date of the prior task.
  3. The following required fields will populate once an ‘Actual’ date is entered
    Field Name Comments
    Opening Bid Amount Value must be greater than 0
    Credit Bid Amount Value must be greater than 0
    Credit Bid Received Date Received
    Sale Amount
    • Value must be greater than 0 when Sold To Name is ‘Back to beneficiary’
    • Value must be greater than 100 when Sold to Name is Third Party
    Loan UPB Amount Value must be greater than 0
    Total Debt Value must be greater than 0
    Deficiency Status Status
    Sold To Name
    • Back to Beneficiary or Third Party
    • If ‘Third Party’ is selected additional fields are required

  4. When Third Party is selected, Third Party Contact fields are displayed. The following fields are required:
    • Third Party Contact Name
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • Postal Code
    • Phone
  5. Once all data has been entered, click Save.
  6. Actual Completion column is populated with the date entered in the Actual date field.
  7. Refresh the page and verify the appropriate values are displayed in the Foreclosure panel. Some values will be displayed by expanding the view. To expand the Foreclosure panel, click on the “down arrow” to the left of “Foreclosure” in the blue bar. For Internet Explorer Version 8 and older, the “down arrow” is not displayed, so you will need to click on the white space to the left of the word “Foreclosure”.
  8. You may view the UPB amount entered by accessing the loan’s summary page. This can be accessed from the foreclosure file by selecting the loan number in the “Foreclosure Summary” panel. On the loan’s summary page, review the “Loan Summary” panel and confirm the entered “UPB Amount”.

 6.3 Reprojecting a Task

Tasks cannot be reprojected to a past date. For example, the current date is July 1, 2018; the Projected Date must be greater than July 1, 2018. If you enter a date that is less than the current date, you will receive the following error message:

Tasks cannot be reprojected to a past date

PLEASE NOTE: Your screens may slightly differ from what is below.

1. Click on task name hyperlink

2. Task opens in Edit mode (your screen may slightly differ from below).

  • Enter the date the task is expected to be completed in the Projected Date field.
  • Enter commentary in the Body field.

3. Click Save.

4. The projected date has been updated.

**Sale Scheduled date cannot be projected more than 360 days from the existing projected dated****

6.4 Reprojecting Foreclosure Sale Held Task

PLEASE NOTE: Your screens may slightly differ from what is below.

Reprojecting the Foreclosure Sale Held Task now requires a reason for the reprojection.

  1. Click on the Foreclosure Sale Held hyperlink.
  2. Enter the date the task is expected to be completed in the Projected Date field. As with all other task reprojections, this date must be in the future.
  3. The Projected Completion Date is now populated in the Tasks panel.

6.5 Bulk Updating Tasks

The ability to bulk update Tasks is now available in the production environment. These are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Run the ADR – Case Load Next Task Due report
  2. Add two columns to the far right, ensuring that all other columns remain untouched. These columns will be titled “ActualCompletion” and “ProjectedCompletion”, as shown here.
    1. You will likely need to sort and filter the spreadsheet before adding the columns and projections/completions. If you do, make sure the entire spreadsheet is sorted, so none of the ID columns get misaligned with the rest of the data. This is very important, as misalignment of the data will lead to incorrect Tasks being updated.
  3. The rules for the dates that you’ll enter in these columns follow the same rules as if you were entering them from the front end, i.e. can’t complete a Task in the future, can’t project a Task in the past, etc. You will also find that Tasks that require additional data to be entered when completing also cannot be updated using this function. Examples of this are Complaint Filed (requires Court Case Number) and Sale Held (requires sale and bidding information).
  4. Once you’ve entered all of your projection and completion dates to the additional columns, save it to your desktop (or some other location on your machine that you’ll remember)
  5. Navigate to Home >> Import Files and in the panel on the left, labeled Import Dashboard, you’ll select Bulk Task Updates
    Note: You may need to change the view from “By Template” to “By Setup” and uncheck the ‘Show Active’ filter for the ‘Bulk Task Updates’ Template to appear . Both of these options are found within the ‘…’ icon options menu (left Dashboard Panel).
  6. Drag and drop the file from the location you chose into the blue bar and ensure it appears in the panel below it.
  7. Refresh the lower panel until it reaches a terminal status (Complete or Error).
    1. If it lands at an error, contact for further assistance.
    2. If it lands at Complete, you can click on the link in the Import File column, then select the Logging tab to review the update operations. If there are any errors, you can click on the error message and it will tell you why it failed (i.e. business rules such as future dates being used for completion). You can either correct those from the front end by navigating to each individual case or correct them within the spreadsheet and resubmit those rows.
  8. Validate the updates are accurate by navigating to a subset of the cases and reviewing their Projected and Actual Completion Dates

7 Restart Foreclosure Process

If a Foreclosure needs to be restarted for any reason, you may choose to close the file out (see Section 8) and open a new file, or you can use the Restart function.

1.From the Foreclosure Summary panel, mouse over the dropdown menu next to the “Edit” button and select “Restart”

2. In the popup window, enter the new/correct Start Date in the Restart Date field, and provide the reason for the Restart, then click “Save”.

3. The Foreclosure Start Date will be set to the Restart Date provided, and a new Timeline will be launched, allowing the Restart Date to be used as the Foreclosure File Received Task’s Completion Date. A Message will also be created, for auditing purposes.

8 Closing the Foreclosure

8.1 How to Close a Foreclosure

If a Foreclosure has gone to sale, has been opened in error, or you’ve been instructed that the file should not be open for any other reason (i.e. Servicer Request), the file will need to be closed. If an incorrect Start Date was entered, you may also choose to close the file out to allow a new file to be opened, or Restart it (see Section 7).

1.To close a file, choose the Foreclosure Summary tab, and select “Edit”, as highlighted below.

2. The Status will need to be set to “Closed”, and a “Closed Date” and a “Closed Reason” will need to be chosen.

3. Once all required fields are entered, choose “Save” (the blue button in the bottom left), and the File has now been closed, leaving you with the option to open a new Foreclosure if needed.


  • The system will provide you with a prompt if the required fields are not completed when trying to close the file.
  • You may also be required to upload Required Documents in order to close the file.
  • If Required Documents are required, the system will alert you prior to closing the file. You can see the Required Documents by accessing the Red Notification Button icon in the top right, which will reflect a number of items that require your attention.
  • If the UPB and Original Balance was not supplied when the case was created (prior to the Direct Title Pilot Go-Live), the fields will be required upon closing the file. 

8.1.2 Closing A Foreclosure that has Gone to Sale

Closing a file that has gone to sale requires that the Sale Held task be completed within the Foreclosure Tasks list first, which will often be the final task to complete. Once this task has been completed, Sale information will be populated in the Foreclosure Summary panel (the same location where you would close a file).

After the Sale Held Task has been completed, you will follow the previous steps regarding the closing of the Foreclosure File and choose “Case Completed” or “Third Party Sale Completed” as the Closed Reason. Close Reason for a Foreclosure that has gone to Sale

NOTE: Your screen may look different than what is shown below. However, you should be able to close the file based on previous instructions regarding how to close a file.

1.Enter ‘Date Closed’ for the Foreclosure that has gone through Sale and update the ‘Status’ to Close.

2. Select either Case Complete or Third Party Sale Completed from ‘Closed Reason’ drop-down menu.

8.2 Adding Required Documents

Freddie Mac has identified specific states wherein a deficiency will be pursued. You can view which documents are required via the Required Documents tab in the Support drop-down. You can also view which documents are required on loan level by reviewing the Priority message. NOTE: This only applies when the Removal Reason being set is either “Case Completed” or “Third Party Sale Completed”.

8.2.1 Required Document List

  1. Click on Support.
  2. Click on the Required Documents tab.
  3. The first page of states and territories is presented.
  4. Expand list of states by selecting ’25 rows per page’ and updating the row count in the form.
  5. Once you have located your state, click on the state hyperlink. In this example, Connecticut was selected.
  6. In the below example, there are 5 documents that are required.
  7. If you would like to view all possible documents that can be uploaded, but are not required, select Show Non Required documents from the ‘Options’ Drop-down.
  8. If you would like to limit your view to the Required Documents, select Show Required Documents from the Options drop-down.
  9. To export the list of documents into an excel spreadsheet, select Export to CSV or Excel from the ‘Ellipsis’ drop-down.
  10. The spreadsheet will be formatted as follows
    Note: If you do not upload all required documents, you will receive the following error message whenever you try to close the foreclosure:

8.3 Priority Message

  1. You can view the documents required on a per loan basis by reviewing the Priority Message.
  2. Click on the Priority Message icon at the top right of the Foreclosure Summary page.
  3. Click on Required Documents
  4. A list is presented of documents that are required.

    Note: Whenever a document is uploaded, it is removed from the priority message list. Notice the Note is listed as a required document.




8.4 Uploading a Document

1. Click on the documents tab and then click on the “+” icon on the right, followed by “+New Document

NOTE: You may see different tabs on your screen than what is below. However, you should be able to see the Documents Tab as one of your available tabs.

2. Click the arrow icon or Drag-and-Drop to upload your document. Be sure to select the Template that matches what is being asked of the Required Documents section, as the Template is most important in letting the system know that you have uploaded what is needed.

Once the Required Document is uploaded, click Save and move forward.

NOTE: The Template is what informs the system what document you are uploading. If you mislabel the template, even though the attachment/document you have uploaded is correct, the system will still show that this document is required. You must select the template that is reflecting the document requested- make sure this matches what is being asked as indicated by the red icon in the top right corner of the foreclosure summary page.

3. Enter description about the document being uploaded. This is not a required field.

9 Opening a Bankruptcy

All fields underlined in red are required fields.

Please note: The loan information may not be populated when you try to open the Bankruptcy. Freddie Mac provides limited loan information prior to cases being opened. Once the Bankruptcy case has been opened, the loan and property information will populate within 24 to 48 hours.

9.1 Opening a Motion for Relief (MRF) and a Proof of Claim

  1. Click on the Bankruptcy tab (within Loan Summary) followed by the “+” icon on the right, then either a New Motion for Relief (MFR, which is also a bankruptcy) or New Proof of Claim.
  2. The necessary fields to properly open a Bankruptcy (MFR) or a Proof of Claim are as follows:
    • Bankruptcy
    • State of Filing
    • Filing Date
    • Court
    • Case Number
    • Chapter
    • Status
    • Date Opened

These fields listed above are required, however, please be sure to fill out any additional section that may apply, or if you have that information that can be entered such as the Atty Case # and your Firm Name, both of which can be found on the top right hand side.

Once the above is completed, click the blue “Save” button, and the Bankruptcy or Proof of Claim will now be open. If you are missing something that is required, an alert will appear on this screen informing you what else is needed before the file can be successfully opened.

10 Completing Bankruptcy Tasks

The due date for the first task is based on the start date entered when the bankruptcy was opened. If an error was made in entering the start date, you will need to close the bankruptcy and open a new one. Please refer to the Closing the Bankruptcy section for instructions on closing a bankruptcy.

1. Click on the Tasks tab.

2. Just like you would a foreclosure, bankruptcy Tasks are completed the same way. You will access the current available task by clicking on the blue hyperlink. In the example photo above, this is the ‘Bankruptcy Case Closure’ task.

Note: The Projected date may not require being entered, but the Actual Completion date, and Comments must be entered. Then you may click the blue Save button and continue.

3. Continue repeating the process above, and be advised that some tasks will require the uploading of documents. The system will alert you of any documents that are required, which may be uploaded by clicking the “Browse” button in the screenshot above.

10.1 Viewing All Tasks

  1. By default, all tasks will be visible to you when working on a bankruptcy file.

10.2 Reprojecting a Task

Tasks cannot be reprojected to a past date. For example, the current date is October 1, 2018; the Projected Date must be greater than October 1, 2018. If you enter a date that is less than the current date, you will receive the following error message:

Tasks cannot be reprojected to a past date

  1. Click on task name hyperlink
  2. Enter future date in the Projected Date field and commentary as necessary
  3. Click Save.
  4. The projected date has been updated

11 Closing a Bankruptcy

  1. Navigate to the Bankruptcy Summary page and select “edit” (the blue button).
  2. When closing a bankruptcy, the Status must be set to “Closed”, and a Date Closed and Closed Reason must be supplied. If any of these three elements are missing, the system will not allow the bankruptcy to be saved/closed out.
  3. Choose “Status” and select “Closed” from the dropdown, followed by entering a Date Closed and a Closed Reason that applies. Then click “Save” (the blue button).

12 Title Home

Attorneys can navigate to Home > Titles to perform the following functions:

  1. Title Dashboard View
  2. Title List View
  3. Title Order Cancellation
  4. Title Summary
  5. Title Product Retrieval
  6. Title Update Requests
  7. Title Order Inquiries

12.1 Title Dashboard

  1. Navigate to Home > Titles to navigate to the Title Home page
  2. The first panel displays the Title Dashboard, you can perform the following functions within this panel:
  3. View Count (listed under Count column) of Titles based on applied filter
    Note: Select the ellipsis symbol on the right of the dashboard to filter criteria; In this example the Dashboard is filtered by “Assigned Organization”

12.2 Title List

  1. Drill down to see list of Titles by selecting hyperlink, this list will appear within the Title List panel (e.g. Filter criteria set to “By Assigned Organization”, selected SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC, list of Titles render in Title List panel).

12.3 Title Order Cancellation

Servicer can cancel a title order as outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Summary Page for the Title that needs to be cancelled
  2. Scroll to the Tasks panel and select “+ New Task”
  3. Within the popup that is presented, select “Send Cancel Title Request” from the Task dropdown menu and click “Save”

  4. You will be presented with a Task Edit screen, where you will need to choose a Closed Reason, and click “Save”.  If it is determined the Cancellation request should not be sent at this time, click “Cancel”.  The Task can be accessed at a later time to proceed with the Cancellation request.

    *Note: Titles cannot be cancelled after Product has been received.  If Product has already been received, it will be indicated within the Task Edit screen, and the user will only be able to click “Cancel”.
  5. Once saved, the Cancellation request will be sent to the Title Vendor, where a decision will be made to allow the Cancellation, and whether or not a charge will be assessed.  Please contact the Title Vendors directly for billing questions and to obtain their allowable cancellation time frames.

12.3.1 Verify Cancellation of Title Order

Cancellations may take up to a day for the Title Vendors to process.  Please contact the Title Vendor directly for an update if a response is not received within 24 hours of the Request being sent.  Servicers can verify the cancellation of the Title Order using the following steps:

  1. If the cancellation request was approved, the Title’s Status will be “Canceled”, its Date Closed will be populated, and it will have “CANCEL/NO BILL” as its Closed Reason.  These elements can be viewed in the list on the Title Home page and in the Titles tab of the Loan Summary page:

    As well as on the Title Summary page:

  2. If the cancellation was denied, a Message indicating such will appear in the Messages panel of the Title Summary page.  Message Bodies will vary between the Vendors, and some Vendors may provide additional information within the Body.

 12.4 Title Summary Page

Attorney can perform the following functions through the Title Summary page:

  1. View Title, Property, and Loan Summary panels
  2. View Activity Panel and perform the following functions for Public Records and Transactions
    : Add a new Public Record/Transaction
    : Refresh Public Records/Transactions panel
    : View Public Records/Transactions by various filters
    : Export details of Public Records/Transactions s to CSV or Excel
  3. View Workflow Panel and perform the following functions for Tasks and Holds
    : Add a new Task/Hold
    : Refresh Task/Hold panel
    : View Task/Hold by various filters
    : Export details of Task/Hold to CSV or Excel
  4. View Messages Panel and perform the following functions
    : Add New Message
    : Refresh Message panel
    : View Messages by various filters
    : Export details of Messages to CSV or Excel
  5. View Documents Panel and perform the following functions
    Note: Once an order is fulfilled, the Title product is accessible through this panel
    : Add New Document, New folder, or Bulk Upload
    : Refresh Documents panel
    : View Documents by various filters; Zip and Email; Convert to PDF; Merge to Single PDF
    : Export details of Documents to CSV or Excel
  6. View Processes Panel and perform the following functions
    : Attorney does not have permission to add Related Processes
    : Refresh Related Processes panel
    : View Related Processes by various filters
    : Export details of Related Processes to CSV or Excel

12.5 Title Product Retrieval

Title product is retrieved through the Documents panel of the specific Title Summary page.

  1. Select hyperlink to download document

12.5.1 Beneficiary Check Document Retrieval

Title Vendors are expected to produce Beneficiary Checks (Bene-Checks) for all Foreclosure Title Orders in Trustee Sale Guarantee (TSG) states.  The Bene-Check Product should be delivered within 24 hours of the Title being ordered, and you will be notified via email once it is available in the system.  If your firm has a primary email address setup on your Organization Summary screen, the notification will only be sent to that email address:

Otherwise, it will be sent to all active Security Administrators associated with your firm.  The Bene-Check document can be found in the same location as the Product documents, and will be appropriately labeled (labeling may vary between Title Vendors).

12.6 Title Update Requests

Once Title Product has been received, Updates can be ordered.  The steps for doing this are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Summary Page for the Title requiring an update
  2. Scroll to the Tasks panel and select “+ New Task”
  3. Within the popup that is presented, select “Send Update Title Request” from the Task dropdown menu and click “Save”
  4. Select an Update Type from the dropdown menu, then enter the Instructions for this Update, including the Good Through Date, if applicable, then click “Save”.
    *Note: the Update Type list will vary between Trustee Sale Guarantee (TSG) and non-TSG states

  5. You may only request Updates after the Product has been received, and only on Foreclosure products.  If you attempt to send an Update under an invalid condition, an error message will be displayed in the Task Edit panel, indicating why the Update cannot be ordered, and the user will be forced to click the “Cancel” button.  For Foreclosure products, the Task can be accessed and saved if the Product is received at a later date.

    *Note: The length of time for delivery, and the Product produced for Title Updates will vary between each Vendor.  Please contact the Title Vendors using the Messages Panel (see section 12.7) for delivery delay inquiries and Product questions.

12.7 Title Order Inquiries

If any questions on the Title Order should arise, the Title Vendor assigned to the Order can be contacted by adding an Order Inquiry Message within the Messages Panel.

  1. Locate the Messages Panel on the Title Order and click the “+” button to add a new message.
  2. Select “Order Inquiry” from the Template dropdown, then enter/edit the Subject in the Message field.  Enter the information you want sent to the Title Vendor in the Body field.  You can opt to send the message as an email by entering recipient email addresses in the To field.  Once all information is entered, click “Save”.
  3. The Message will be displayed in the Messages panel, and will be transmitted to the Title Vendor.
  4. Responses sent by the Vendor will appear in the Messages Panel.  The full Message can be reviewed by clicking “Toggle Detail” from the envelope icon options menu.

13 Documents

This section outlines how to upload documents

  1. Click on the documents tab
  2. Click the desired upload option
    • ‘+ New Document’
    • ‘+ New Folder’
    • ‘Bulk Upload’
  3. Select the Arrow Icon or Drag-and-Drop, to upload a file. Select a Template to match the document type (which needs to reflect the requested/required document, in order to appease the system), and enter a Description. Fill out any other text fields that may apply, though they are not necessarily required.
  4. Click Save.
  5. The document has been uploaded.
  6. The document panel provides the following information:
    • Document name
    • User Upload
    • Created Date
    • Updated Date

****Document types that can be uploaded include: PDF, Word, XLS, .PNG, .JPG, .JPEG

13.1 Viewing a Document

  1. Click on the document name hyperlink.
    Note: The document will open based on your settings for the document being viewed.

13.2 Deleting a Document

  1. Click in the row of the document to be deleted.
    Note: Documents table within Foreclosure Summary page

2. Select Delete from the Options drop-down menu.

3. Confirmation dialogue box is presented. Click Okay to confirm the document is to be deleted.

4. The document is deleted.

14 Messages

  1. Click on the messages tab.
  2. Select Add a new message by clicking the “+” sign on the right.
  3. The Message edit template opens. If a template is to be used, select the template from the drop-down box. Template message will complete the subject line and body section. Otherwise, confirm Select is in the template field.
  4. If the message is to be emailed to other parties, enter the email address in the to field. Separate multiple recipients with a comma (,)
  5. Send the message via email by clicking on Save.
  6. The message is populated in the Messages panel.

15 Worklist

15.1 Managing the Smart Worklist

The Smart Worklist assigns Tasks to users that need to be completed or re-projected. See Section 6 for information on Foreclosure Task management, and section 10 for information on Bankruptcy Task management. Tasks appear in the user’s Queue.

Access Worklists by choosing Home > Worklists

Note: Only users with the role of Manager can complete the below functions

15.1.1 Viewing the Smart Worklist Table

  1. Select Home > Worklists.
  2. To view the list of tasks available in the Smart Worklist, select “By Worklist” under the Options drop-down of the “Summary by Worklist” panel.
  3. You can sort “By Team” or “By Person” to view tasks assigned to different teams and users.
  4. Selecting the name of the task or a number under a column (Items, Queued, Started, etc.) will open a ‘Worklist Members’ Panel.

15.1.2 Re-Queue Smart Worklist Items

  1. Re-queuing an item is to remove the “Completed” or “Cancelled” date from a task so that it may be moved into the worklist.
  2. Select a task from the “Worklist” column in the “Summary by Worklist” panel.
  3. In the “Items” panel, select the tasks that need to be re-queued by selecting the corresponding checkbox
  4. After the tasks have been selected, click “Requeue Items” from the Options drop-down.
  5. Select “Requeue” from the Confirmation window to complete the selected items.
  6. Note the selected items no longer have a date in the “Completed” column.
  7. These tasks can now be assigned, completed, or cancelled.

15.1.3 Assign Smart Worklist Items

  1. After selecting a task, review the “Items” panel at the bottom of the page
  2. Select each task you wish to assign by selecting the checkbox to the corresponding task. Selecting “All” will select all tasks
  3. Once the proper tasks have been selected, click “Assign Items” from the Options drop-down.
  4. In the “Smart Worklist Items” panel, you may select the proper Label/User and select ‘Okay’
  5. The panel refreshes and the proper “Team” has been assigned.

15.1.4 Complete an Item in the Smart Worklist

Note: Performing this function forces the worklist item into completion, it does not complete the underlying step tied to the task. This should only be done if any items are found in the worklist in error. For example, the Foreclosure case that the worklist item is tied to has been closed, but the item is still active in the list. Please use this worklist feature with caution.

Completing an item on the Smart Worklist will remove it from the “Show Pending” view of the worklist. If the task remains incomplete in the active file, it will remain incomplete until a user accesses the file to complete the task.

  1. Select a task from the “Worklist” column in the “Summary by Worklist” panel.
  2. In the “Items” panel, select the tasks that need to be completed by selecting the corresponding checkbox.
  3. After the tasks have been selected, click “Complete Items” from the Options drop-down.
  4. Select “Okay” from the Confirmation window to complete the selected items.
  5. Note the selected items now have a completed date under the “Completed” column.
  6. Completed items will not be shown under items in a “Pending” status, which can be selected from the Options drop-down menu

15.1.5 Cancel an Item in the Smart Woklist

Note: Performing this function forces the worklist item into cancelation, it does not cancel the underlying step tied to the task. This should only be done if any items are found in the worklist in error. For example, the Foreclosure case that the worklist item is tied to has been closed, but the item is still active in the list. Please use this worklist feature with caution.

Cancelling an item on the Smart Worklist will remove it from the “Show Pending” view of the worklist. If the task remains incomplete in the active file, it will remain incomplete until a user accesses the file to complete the task.

  1. Select a task from the “Worklist” column in the “Summary by Worklist” panel.
  2. In the “Items” panel, select the tasks that need to be cancelled by selecting the corresponding checkbox
  3. After the tasks have been selected, click “Cancel Items” from the Options drop-down.
  4. Once “Cancel Items” has been selected, the panel will automatically refresh and the task will have a “Cancelled” date.
  5. Cancelled items will not be shown under items in a “Pending” status, which can be selected from the Options drop-down menu.

15.1.6 Export the Smart Worklist

  1. Navigate to Home > Worklists from Home dropdown menu
  2. Select the desired Worklist you would like to export. In this example, ‘Bankruptcy Case Closure’ was selected, the items render in the ‘Worklist Members’ panel
  3. Select ‘Export to CSV’ within the ‘…’ dropdown menu to export the Smart Worklist.
  4. After selecting the file, you may review the Worklist in Microsoft Excel.

16 Reports

16.1 Generating a Report

1. Select Reports from the Home dropdown menu.

2. You are directed to the Report Request page

3. Click on the hyperlink for the report you need to generate. The Report Request panel is presented.

4. Select “+” to generate a new report.

5. Enter the following fields for the report you are generating:

  • Label (Name of Report)
  • Schedule (Frequency of the Report)
    • Run Once: Generates once
    • Run Monthly: Generates monthly; Indicate the date the and time the report should be generated
    • Run Weekly: Generates weekly; Indicate the day and time the report should be generated
  • Recipients (Report Recipients)
    • Recipient field is populated with your email address. If other users should be notified of the report’s availability, enter the email addresses in the additional recipients’ field.
  • Start Date
  • End Date

6. The following fields default to All:

  • Process Templates
    • Report will include all Foreclosures on hold, all Motion for Relief actions that are on hold and all Proof of Claim actions that are on hold.
  • Chapters
    • Report will include all Chapters
  • States
    • Report will include all States

7. If you want to limit your report uncheck the “All” box to expand your options and select the appropriate boxes.

  • Process Templates
  • Chapters
    Note: This checkbox is specific to Bankruptcy Process (i.e. Motion for Relief and Proof of Claim); If Foreclosure is selected, the Chapter checkboxes do not pertain, the boxes will be highlighted in red.
  • States

8. Click Submit once you have filled out the fields and checked the appropriate boxes.

9. You are directed to the Report Request page.

10. When the report has generated and is ready to view the delivered date will be populated.

16.2 Viewing a Report

16.2.1 Report Request Page

  1. Click on the bars next to the report name.

2. The report request appears in the Report panel, select the hyperlink of the report you wish to open.

3. The report will open in an excel spreadsheet.


16.2.2 Email

  1. The email will be from
  2. The subject line of the report will be the name of the report, the date it was generated and the time the report was generated.
  3. Click on the report name hyperlink contained in the email.
  4. If you are not logged into the system, you will be directed to the log in page. If you are logged into the system, the report will be available for you to download.
  5. Once you enter user name and password on the log in page, the report will be presented to you to download.

16.3 Report Definitions

16.3.1 ADR – 90 Day Task Inactivity

The ADR 90 Day Task Inactivity provides a list of cases for which the tasks have had no activity (i.e. reprojected) for 90 days. This report will exclude any cases that have an active hold

The following fields are included in the report:

Field NameDescription
LoanFreddie Mac loan number
LoanStatusLoan Status
ServicerThe loan’s servicer
ServicerLoanServicer Loan Number
ServicerNumberServicer ID
AttorneyCaseIDAttorney Case ID
StateState location of the property
ForeclosureIDForeclosure ID
StatusStatus (Open or Closed)
DecisionIDDecision ID
ImportFormImport Form (Foreclosure File Received, Sale Scheduled, etc)
ProjectedCompletionDateEstimate completion date
ElapsedDaysNumber of days elapsed

16.3.2 ADR – Case Load Next Task Due

The ADR Case Load Next Task Due is a report that shows all active cases assigned to each firm that the requester has access to. It shows the next task that is due within the next 365 days for each case as well as additional information.

The following fields are included in the report:

Field NameDescription
FMLoanFreddie Mac loan number
AttorneyFirmAttorney Firm
ServicerThe loan’s servicer
ServicerLoanServicer loan number
CaseTypeType of case, foreclosure or bankruptcy
CaseIDThe firm’s internal “Case Number”
AddressThe property’s address
CityCity location of the property
StateState location of the property
PostalCodePostal code for the property
CaseOpenThe “Start Date” for the case, set by the firm
NextDueTaskThe case’s next task that requires completion
TaskEstimatedCompletionThe estimated completion date for the case’s next task
TaskProjectedCompletionThe projected completion date for the case’s next task
ActiveDelaysYES/NO confirming if case is on hold
ActiveDelayProjectedCompletionProjected completion date of the hold (if applicable)

16.3.3 ADR – Milestone Average

16.3.4 Foreclosure Document Deficiency

The Foreclosure Document Deficiency report provides a list of all cases where the Foreclosure Sale Scheduled Task has been completed and required documents are missing.

The following fields are included in the report:

Field NameDescription
ForeclosureIDForeclosure ID
AttorneyCaseNumberAttorney Case Number
FreddieLoanNumberFreddie Mac loan number
ServicerNameServicer Name
Servicer Loan IDServicer Loan ID
ServicerLoanNumberServicer Loan Number
AttorneyNameAttorney firm
DaysPastDueDays Past Due
FCProjectedSaleDateForeclosure Projected Sale Date
FCSaleDateForeclosure Sale Date
FCSaleTypeForeclosure Sale Type
MotionForFinalRatificationOfSaleFiledDateMotion for Final Ratification of Sale File Date
FCMethodForeclosure Method
MissingDocumentsMissing Documents

16.3.5 Hold Report

The hold report is a report for all process that have been placed on hold or removed from hold based on the start date and end date.

The following fields are included in the report:

Field NameDescription
Case TypeThis is the same as the Process Template. This field will either be displayed as Foreclosure, Motion For Relief or Proof Of Claim
AttorneyThis field is your organization name as it appears in ADR
Attorney #Attorney #
ServicerThis is the name of the servicer as it appears in ADR
ReasonThis is the Reason that was selected when the hold was created
ChapterIf the hold is on a Proof of Claim or Motion for Relief, the bankruptcy chapter will be listed
Investor#This is the Freddie Mac loan number
Servicer Loan #This is the Servicer’s loan number as it appears in ADR
OpenedThis field represents the date the Foreclosure was opened
Hold StartThis field is the start date based on the date that was entered when the hold was activated in the system
Hold EndThis is the date the hold was removed.
DaysRepresents the number of days the file was/is on hold. The calculation is Hold End Date (or current date if the hold has not ended) – Hold Start Date
Follow-upThis field represents the Hold’s projected end date

16.3.6 Litigation Detail Report

The litigation report lists tasks that were either completed or remain opened based on the date range selected. Tasks that have a projected completion date will have an asterisk (*) in front of the date.

The following fields are included in the report:

Field NameDescription
SubtypeIf the Decision is bankruptcy related; this field will represent the bankruptcy chapter
ChapterIf the Decision is bankruptcy related, this field will be the bankruptcy chapter
DecisionThis relates to the Timeline Template. This will be displayed as Proof of Claim, Motion for Relief or Judicial or NonJudicial foreclosure. This is reflective of the type selected whenever the foreclosure was activated
AttorneyThis is your organization name as it appears in ADR
Agency Loan IDThis field represents the Freddie Mac loan number
BorrowerThis is the name of the first borrower listed in the borrower panel
ServicerThis field represents the name of the servicer as it appears in ADR
DecisionStepThis is the task that needs to be completed
Estimated DurationThis field represents the number of days the task should take to complete
SequenceThis field identifies the order in which the Decision Step takes place
Completion DateThis is either the Actual Completion date or the Projected Completion date. If the date is a Projected Completion date, an Asterisk (*) will precede the date
Completion DaysThis represents the actual number of days to complete the task or the current number of days the task is delayed if the task does not have an actual completion date
Delay countThis field is internal to Freddie Mac’s use
Completion Date FormatThis field is internal to Freddie Mac’s use
StatusThis field identifies if the Decision is Open-O, On Hold-OH or Closed-C. The status is based on the Removal Date
Status NumberPlease disregard this field as it is for internal use
StateThis field represents the state the subject dwelling is located

16.3.7  Timeline Completion Report

The Timeline Completion report lists foreclosures or bankruptcies that have completed or have and estimated completion date for the date range selected in the report query.

The following fields are included in the report:

Field NameDescription
DecisionThis relates to the Timeline Template. This will be displayed as Proof of Claim, Motion for Relief or Judicial or NonJudicial foreclosure. This is reflective of the type selected whenever the foreclosure was activated
OrganizationThis is your organization name as it appears in ADR
Agency Loan IDThis field represents the Freddie Mac loan number
BorrowerThis field is the first borrower that is listed in the borrower panel on the loan summary page
Days to CompleteThis represents the actual number of days to complete the foreclosure or the current number of days the foreclosure has been open if there is not an actual completion date
Date ClosedThis is the date the foreclosure was closed

16.3.8 Timeline Exception Report

The Timeline Exception report lists tasks that are out of compliance and need to be completed.

The following fields are included in the report:

Field NameDescription
DecisionThis relates to the Timeline Template. This will be displayed as Proof of Claim, Motion for Relief or Judicial or NonJudicial foreclosure. This is reflective of the type selected whenever the foreclosure was activated
OrganizationThis is your organization name as it appears in ADR
Decision StepThis is the task that needs to be completed
Event PhaseEvent Phase
Agency Loan IDThis field represents the Freddie Mac loan number
BorrowerThis field is the first borrower that is listed in the borrower panel on the loan summary page
Attorney Case IDThis field represents your case number
Days on HoldThe information in this field represents the number of days the action was on hold
Days to CompleteThis field represents the number of days the decision step has been opened
Estimated DaysRepresents the number of days allowed to complete the task based on the Timeline Template
Days LateThis field is the total number of days the task is late
StatusThis field identifies if the Decision is Open-O, On Hold-OH or Closed-C. The status is based on the Removal Date
StateThis field represents the state the property is located
SubTypeThe sub type field will indicate the bankruptcy chapter if the decision step listed is a bankruptcy

16.3.9 Title Data Report

The Title Data report provides summary level data for titles.

The Title Data can be filtered based on the following criteria:

Field NameDescription
LoanStatusStatus of Loan
NewOrUpdateNew or Update
FreddieMacLoanNumberFreddie Mac Loan Number
ServicerLoanNumberServicer Loan Number
CaseNumberTitle Name/Number
TypeOfCaseTitle Type (e.g. Loan Mod, Deed In Lie, Foreclosure)
DateOrderedDate Ordered
DateEstimatedDated Estimated
DateRevisedDate Revised
DateReceivedDate Title Received
DateCancelledDate Title Cancelled
SentForRecordingDateSent for Recording Date
AttorneyFirmAttorney Firm Name
TitleCompanyTitle Company Name
REOClosingAgentREO Closing Agent
ServicerNameServicer Name
PropertyStateState of Propert
NumberOfDaysOutstandingCalculated based on Date ordered to report run date
NumberOfDaysOverdueCalculated based on estimated or revised date to report run date
NumberOfDaysToClosedCalculated based on Date ordered to Actual Close date
NumberOfDaysToCancelledCalculed based on Date ordered to cancelled date

17 Dashboards

17.1 Export to Excel (CSV)

ADR users have the ability to export case lists as a spreadsheet to Excel. This can be done by accessing any panel that contains a list (messages, file types, borrower data, etc).

  1. For example, if you were to choose Home > Foreclosures, you will see a panel with all file types you have access to. File types being On Hold, Open, etc. In the example below, we have chosen 2 under ‘On Hold’ column for ‘Marinosci Law Group, PC – CT’
  2. Once selected, the results appear in the panel on the bottom half of the page. Notice the “…” in the top right corner of this panel.
  3. From there, click ‘Export to CSV’ or ‘Export to Excel’, which will then trigger the process of downloading an Excel file.
  4. You may find this file in the Downloads folder, or if you are using Google Chrome, you may see it in your task bar at the bottom of your browser page, like the image shown above. Keep in mind that this function works in every panel with the “…” and the ‘Export to CSV’ or ‘Export to Excel’ options.

17.2 Advanced Search Filtering

  1. Users can filter their dashboard using the Advanced Search options (the arrow icon) located next to the Search bar.
  2. Using one of the available search fields, you may look up files or loans by Servicer, State, Investor Number (Freddie Mac Number) or Status. However, should you wish to keep it simple, you may just enter the 9-digit Freddie Mac Loan Number (Investor Number) in the Search Box and ignore the Advanced Loan search by ignoring the Arrow icon all together.

18 State Worklfow

  • Workflow Steps are included to show all steps per state.
  • Struck through items have been deprecated
  • Bold items have been added
  • Items with both strike through and bold in the same cell have been renamed
Process – StateWorkflow Step
Foreclosure – AK JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Certificate of Sale Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – AK Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Notice of Default Recorded
Publication/Posting of Sale completed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – AL JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgement Filed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – AL Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – AR JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Court Decree/Judgement
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – AR Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Notice of Default Filed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – AZ JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Certificate of Sheriff’s Sale
Deed Issued
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – AZ Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Record Notice of Trustee’s Sale
Trustee Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – CA JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Redemption Period Expires
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – CA Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Record Notice of Default
Posting and Publishing of Sale/NOS Mailings
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – CO Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled/NED Recorded
Notice of Election and Demand Sent to Public Trste
Court Order Obtained Authorizing Sale
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – CT JudicialForeclosure File Received
Service of Process Completed
Complaint Filed
Motion for Judgment of Foreclosure Filed
Foreclosure by Sale Decree Entered
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – DC JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Initial Scheduling Conference
Foreclosure Mediation Program
Status Conference
Motion for Judgment of Foreclosure Filed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – DC Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – DE JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Judgment of Foreclosure Filed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Confirmation of Sale
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – FL JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Summary Judgment Filed
Judgment Entered
Sale scheduled date (tied to Judgment entered)
Foreclosure Sale Held
Certificate of Title Issued
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – GA Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
First Publication
Mail Notice of Sale to Borrower
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – HI JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Summary Judgment and Decree of FC Filed
Confirmation of Sale
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – HI Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Publication and Posting of Sale Completed
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – IA JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Redemption Period Expires/Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – ID Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
File Notice of Default
Sale Scheduled
Publication/Posting on Property Completed
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – IL JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
File Motion for Judgment of Foreclosure
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – IN JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – KS JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – KY JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment and Order of Sale Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Confirmation of Sale
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – LA Judicial ExecForeclosure File Received
Petition for Seizure and Sale of Property Filed
Writ of Seizure and Sale Issued
Sheriff Seized Property
Notice of Sale Publication started
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – LA JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Default/Summary Judgment Filed
Sheriff Seized Property
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MA JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Order of Notice Received from Land Court
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MD JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint (Order to Docket) Filed
Service of Process Completed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Motion for Final Ratification of Sale Filed
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – ME JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Period of Redemption Expires
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MI JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Publication of the Notice of Foreclosure
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Confirmation of Sale
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MI Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Publication Complete
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MN JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MN Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Notice of Pendency Filed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MO Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MS JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MS Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Notice of Default Sent
Substitution of Trustee Executed and Recorded
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MT JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – MT Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Notice of Trustee’s Sale served by Certified Mail
Affidavits of Notice of Sale Compliance Filed
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NC Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Notice of Hearing (NOH) Filed
Notice of Hearing Service Completed
Hearing Held
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – ND JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NE JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Confirmation of Sale
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NE Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Notice of Default Recorded
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NH Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NJ JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Default Filed
Judgment Entered / Writ of Execution
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NM JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NV JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale and Posting of Sale
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NV Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Record Notice of Default
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NY Co-opForeclosure File Received
Title Report Received
Preliminary Title Clear
Notice of Default Sent
First Publication
Sale Scheduled
Final Title Clear
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – NY JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service Complete
Aff of Service, RJI, Attorney Affirmation Filed
Mandatory Settlement Conference Completed
Motion to Appoint Referee to Compute Filed
Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – OH JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Judgment Filed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Order of Confirmation
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – OK JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Sale Confirmed
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – OR JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – OR Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled and Notice of Default Sent
Publication and Posting of Sale Completed
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – PA JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – PR JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Summary Judgment Filed
Judgment Entered
Writ of Execution
Notice of Sale
Foreclosure Sale Held
Sale Deed Executed
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – RI Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Expiration of 30 Day Statutory Notice Period
Publication of the Notice of Foreclosure
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – SC JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Order of Reference Entered and Hearing Scheduled
Judgment Entered
Sale Complete
Redemption Period Expires
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – SD JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Redemption Period Expires
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – TN Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Substitution of Trustee Recorded
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – TX Home EqForeclosure File Received
Application for Expedited Order to Allow FCL Filed
Foreclosure Order and Affidavit
Signed Order Received
Posting to Sale Held
Foreclosure Sale Held
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – TX Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Post Notice of Sale
File Foreclosure Notice with County Clerk
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – UT Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Expiration of 3 Month Reinstatement Period
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – VA Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Publication and Posting of Sale Completed
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – VI JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Summary Judgment Filed
Judgment Entered
Writ of Execution
Notice of Sale
Foreclosure Sale Held
Sale Deed Executed
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – VT JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Motion for Summary Judgment Filed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Sale Confirmed
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – WA JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Redemption Period Expires
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – WA Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Notice of Sale Recorded
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – WI JudicialForeclosure File Received
Complaint Filed
Service of Process Completed
Judgment Entered
Redemption Period Expires
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Confirmation of Sale
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – WV Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Trustee Sale Scheduled
Notice of Sale Mailed
Foreclosure Sale Held
Deed Recorded
Foreclosure Case Closure
Foreclosure – WY Non JudicialForeclosure File Received
Sale Scheduled
Foreclosure Sale Held
Certificate of Sale Recorded
Redemption Period Expires
Foreclosure Case Closure
Bankruptcy – Motion For ReliefBankruptcy File Received
Relief from Stay/Discharge
Bankruptcy Case Closure
Bankruptcy – Proof Of ClaimBankruptcy File Received
POC Filed
Plan Confirmed
Bankruptcy Case Closure